Saturday, September 25, 2010

My first Etsy Sale & the Latest Projects

Wow!  The past few days have flown by.  I have been meaning to get a post up, and time has just passed by faster than I can say!  

I have been busy working on many projects & I made my first sale on Etsy!  The beautiful big white framed chalkboard ended up being shipped to Canada.  I hope the person that got it loves it as much as I did.  I am going to miss seeing it around here.  Selling online is harder than I thought.  I ended up calculating the shipping wrong (way too low on my end) and broke even on the whole sale.  You live and you learn.  I still feel good about getting started.  It took a good bit of courage (for me) to put my "stuff" out there.  I am so glad I have started on this path and I am excited to see where it is going to lead me!

Here are some things that I have been working on around here lately. 

I found this little shelf with a door attached at Goodwill for $2.50.  It had notches in it from something (a dowel rod maybe).  I filled those in with wood filler -- shown as the white stuff on the sides of the shelf.)  This thing needed a lot of love.  I sanded it down (by hand, mind you) and painted it.

Couldn't get the glare from the flash to cooperate. 
 This was as good as it gets.
It is not this shiny and offensive to the eye IRL.

After sanding (a lot), I painted it heirloom white.  I thought a little chalkboard paint would look nice on the front.  I taped off a square and painted it with craft chalkboard paint.  It took 4 coats!  Then I did a funky little design around the edges.  I am totally inspired by my personal crafting and decorating hero, Miss Mustard Seed.  She is so creative and inventive!   
Next, I cut the word SIMPLIFY out on the trusty Cricut and used the stencil to paint on the lettering. 

I love how it turned out.  
Apparently my Mom did too.  
She is going to take it!  
** Note to self:  Do not show items to Mom until after they have sold!  :)  

Onto the lamp re-vamp.  I did not get a before picture of this lamp, and I wish I would have.  It was cute, but it was plain white.  The base was white and the shade was too.  This is what I did ... inspired yet again by Miss Mustard Seed!

I painted the base Colonial Red and used a craft paint (burnt umber) to rub the edges and give it an aged look.  I covered the shade in strips of fabric that I ripped 1" wide.  LOVE IT!

Last, but not least... and again... no before picture.  A candle holder.  I got it at Sal. Army for $2.50.  It was an ugly brown, leather looking thing, but I love the chunky shape and the hobnailing around the base.  I had to get it.  This is how it turned out.

So, all in all, I have had a productive few days.  I hope to get much more done.  My pile of junk treasures continues to look like it has been untouched.   I can't wait to tackle more this coming week.  Until next time....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chalk It UP.

OK.... So lately I have had a strange desire to take old frames and make chalkboards.  I just love a chalkboard.  I don't know what it is exactly... maybe it is the idea of a "blank slate..." and when you make a mistake you can easily erase it.  I love the whimsical feel of a decorative frame with a chalkboard.  Pretty & functional.  It just screams "WRITE ON ME!! PLEASE!!!" 

These are what I have been working on EVER SO diligently these past few days.  I really like the way that they have turned out.  

I found this frame (only with glass) at Goodwill for $1.50!  GET OUT!!! YES!!!  It was GOLD GOLD GOLD people.  I used Heirloom white (my latest go-to color).  Then I used burnt umber acrylic paint to rub the raised ornate detailing.  It had a linen type inset that did not look good with the paint, so I put a dark brown ribbon around the inside of the frame to cover the offensive linen.  I LOVE IT!!  

Here are a matching set of frames that I have had in the garage for 3 years.  They had country prints in them that I had in our last house.  The prints were not really my style anymore, and they warped in the humidity... sweet husband took the glass out (with a hammer over the trash can outside) ....

 Then I painted the frames two very fun colors.  I then painted some brown glaze over the whole frame and rubbed off some parts.  CUTE!

I am seriously going to try to sell these.... as my husband is SO URGING me to start doing.  But... just between me & you.... I wouldn't mind terribly if this red one doesn't sell :)

As for the desk.....  I am still working on that.  I actually put it in my daughter's room and she has gotten crayon on it already!  Therefore... the desk is going back to the garage.  I got a fab. idea from miss mustard seed's ( gallery to use chalkboard & paint a chalkboard on top of the desk and do a beautiful swirly design around the edges of the chalkboard.  I think it is going to be wonderful.... At least it is in my head!  :)  This is how the desk looks now.  

 I painted it heirloom white.  I have not put the two brass knobs back on the front yet.  I am not sure about them.  I am thinking of something more feminine and dreamy.  Maybe some yummy glass knobs? HHHMMMM....  Looks like I need to buy more chalkboard paint :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Longing for a Desk...

This is it! I am SO excited to finally be up & running! I have been reading POURING over dozens of decorating blogs over the past few months & I was so deeply inspired that I just HAD to make my own.

That brings me here....

I have many projects that I am working on but the one that I am focusing on right now is this desk for my daughter. I looked and looked for a cute desk for her for weeks. Then I found this one on Craigslist for $35! It. Is. Beautiful. Solid. Wood. (Swoon) 

 I have sanded it down and primed it. I am painting it Heirloom White & may end up putting a light glaze around the edges of it. I am excited to work on it during the next few days :).